
Review of Jeff Anderson's Street Fighting Uncaged

All of the street fighting techniques and self defense moves outlined on this blog are part of Jeff Anderson's Street Fighting Uncaged online self defense course. By downloading and thoroughly reading and practicing the moves in Jeff's ebook, I went from feeling weak and scared while out in public or at bars, to someone who is
confident and capable of defending myself and my family/significant other.

I won't say that reading this material is going to make you some prize MMA fighter - it won't. It takes years of training to reach that level, and you definitely need some live instruction and practice at a real martial arts dojo to get to that point.

What this course will give you is:
  • the basics of self defense
  • a confident mindset that makes you less vulnerable to being attacked
  • the knowledge of what to do if you are ever at gunpoint or knifepoint

Now without further ado, a brief review of Street Fighting Uncaged.

Once you download the program, you get:
  1. Practice drills and fully-illustrated steps to teach you each self defense move
  2. The Survival Mindset guide 
  3. 2 MP3 files (supposedly "bonuses") on how to use this survival mindset in an attack
  4. Another PDF on the difference between predators and prey, which sheds some light on some interesting mindset differences between victims and survivors. I think this part is especially useful to women who want to learn self defense.

Here is a sample of what you get in Street Fighting Uncaged videos:

Download Street Fighting Uncaged


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