
Deadly street fighting techniques: 3 things you must know to save your life

1. Stay off the ground. If you are in a deadly situation facing an armed attacker, you need to avoid being tackled at all costs. While krav maga does cover ground fighting techniques, it is important to try not to end up on the ground.

2. Always be vigilant of your surroundings. Knowing where your attacker's positioned, the weapons or tools at your disposal, where there are cars and buildings, etc. - all that is important to be aware of. Sometimes an attacker may have friends and if you are ready for another fighter you can be adequately prepared.

3. Train yourself in deadly street fighting techniques. Learn how you can defend yourself in any situation. Krav maga, mma, BJJ - whatever system you pick. You may be surprised at how easily you can defend yourself in a deadly situation by simply knowing some basic defensive and offensive moves. Odds are the person trying to hurt you will NOT be trained, giving you the advantage.


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